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Himmat aur zindigi

Himmat and Zindagi
Courage and life

The real enjoyment of life is not for those who sleep in the shade of flowers. Rather, under the shade of flowers, if any taste of life is hidden, then it is also for those who are coming away from the desert, whose throat is dry, lips are torn, and all body is sweated. The nectar of water in the water knows that which has dried up in the sun, it is not that which has never happened in the desert. 

Things to please were already and still there. The difference is that the ones who pay the happiness before and take their fun afterwards get more tastes. For those who get comfort easily, there is only death for them.
Those who avoid water from the fear of falling asleep, the danger of sunk in the sea is for them. Those who are practicing to swim in the waves will come out with pearls.
Enjoy the freshness and coolness of moonlight that man who is tired after sunburn throughout the day, whose body now feels the need for fluidity and whose mind is satisfied that it has spent a whole day in some good work.
On the contrary, it is also the man who was hiding under the wings and closed his windows throughout the day and now his prayer is laid out in the moonlight at night. The illusion might have happened to him as if he was enjoying the moonlight, but the truth is that it is rotting in the juice of aromatic flowers overnight.

Fasting and restraint are not the means of suicide. The real taste of food comes to those who can remain without food for a few days. 'Tekteen Bhujinatha', do not sacrifice the life of sacrifice; this is not the only preaching of God; Because of the pleasures gained from life when one enjoys the blessings of God, it can not be attained by becoming a Nira Bhogi. 

The big things develop in bigger crises, big celebrities dominate the world by plunging into big trouble. Akbar had defeated the enemy of his father at thirteen years of age, whose only reason was that Akbar was born in the desert, and that too at the time when his father had left a musk and no wealth Was not.
In the Mahabharata, most of the people of the country were in favor of Vir Kauras. But still the victory came of Pandavas; Because they had the trouble of the lakshaktha, because they had crossed the risk of exile.

Mr. Winston Churchill has said that life is the greatest capable gesture. All the qualities of a man are born only by being intensified.

There are two suns in life One of them should try for the bigger motive, extend the hand to cast a sparkling victory, and if the failures are making the blindness of the blindness with the light of passion, then even then he should fall behind. Do not remove.
The second aspect is that to become a pillar of those poor souls who do not get much happiness, nor are they the only coincidence of grief, because they live in such a twilight, where neither the laugh nor the laugh Ever heard of the cry of defeat. People in this twilight world drink water of the pier, they can not gamble with life. And who says that there is no happiness in putting the whole life on the stake?
If the path is going forward, then real fun is only going to increase the foot.

The life of courage is the biggest life. The biggest identity of such a life is that it is absolutely fearless, absolutely unconscious. The courageous man's first identity is that he does not worry about what people watching the spectacle are thinking about him. The person who lives by ignoring public opinion is the real force of the world and the light of humanity also meets the same person. Across the neighborhood, seeing and walking, this is the work of ordinary creatures. People who make revolution do not compare their purpose to the purpose of neighboring or do not make their own moves look dirty by seeing the movements of neighbors.

The courageous man takes the juice of those dreams, which dreams have no practical meaning.
The courageous man does not borrow money, he reads his own book written in his thoughts.
Walking in the herd and feeding in the herd, it is the work of buffalo and sheep. Lion is also lonely even if she is alone.
Arnold Bennett has written in one place that the man who feels that at any great determination he could not work with courage, he could not accept the challenge of life, he could not be happy. A man who does not show courage on a big occasion always hears a voice within his own soul, a voice which he can hear and which he can not even stop.This voice keeps on boring, "You could not show courage, you ran like a coward."
In the worldly sense, which we call pleasure, it is better not to meet, even then, it is better than that when we die, we hear this rebuke from our soul that there was a lack of courage in you that you lacked courage, that you are right Time ran away from life.
Living well is always a risk to live, and the person who puts a circle at every place of risk for living a good life, he eventually gets imprisoned between his own surroundings and he can not get any kind of life, because the risk In an attempt to avoid it, in fact, he has kept life alive.
From life, in the end, we get as much as they put money in it. To capitalize this capital is to face the crisis of life; it is to reverse its pages, all its letters are written not only from flowers but also with some coals.
The distinction of life is something that is known to him that it is knowledgeable that life is a never ending thing.

Hey! O life seekers! If you are satisfied with the dead soldiers of the shore, who will bring out the hidden moksha fund in the distance of the sea?
There is also a part of you as much as you have lost in the world. That thing can also be yours, which you are returning towards your reach, and you are returning.
Do not diminish the desire for sorrow, press the fruits of life together with both hands, squeeze the juice of juice, your shed can also flow. 

This rustic cluster that bites your way,
Kirtidas is not a person who likes to take it for themselves.
Life is not his Yudhisthira! Who are afraid of him
They fight their feet by fearlessly. 

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